嫦娥六号月球背面“挖土”,中国“天眼”远望黑洞“脉搏”,九章三号求解高斯玻色取样数学问题比超级计算机快一亿亿倍……近几年,中国在科技领域的突破、创新数不胜数,面对“小院高墙”,面对“脱钩”“去风险”,中国科技工作者一次次用亮眼成绩彰显了实力。古语有云,“合则强,孤则弱”。中国也一次次用更加积极开放的姿态拥抱科技,拥抱世界:嫦娥六号着陆器携带了欧空局的月表负离子分析仪、法国的月球氡气探测仪和意大利的激光角反射器。那么,在科技领域,中国是否将出台更大力度的开放政策?如何解决基础创新能力不足问题?如何因地制宜发展新质生产力?中国科学技术发展战略研究院党委书记刘冬梅解答了这些问题。图源:视觉中国自立自强不等于关起门来中国将出台更大力度开放政策从国家层面看,我们一直说的是走中国特色的自主创新道路,加快高水平的科技自立自强。At the national level, we have always emphasized on following a path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, and accelerating high-level technological self-reliance and strength.但同时,我们也一再强调自主创新、科技自立自强不 等于关起门来自己搞自主创新。 自立自强和对外开放不是相互矛盾,而是相互促进的。Simultaneously, our national development strategy has repeatedly stressed that emphasizing independent innovation and technological self-reliance does not mean isolating ourselves. Technological self-reliance and openness are not contradictory but mutually reinforcing.党的二十大报告说,中国坚持对外开放的基本国策,坚定奉行互利共赢的开放战略。The 20th Party Congress report states that China adheres to the basic policy of opening-up and firmly pursues a win-win strategy.更 形象地比喻一下,自立自强和开放创新的关系,就像一个个体,你自己越强大,你交往的圈子、平台就会越高,对个人发展就越有利。A more vivid analogy of the equation between self-reliance and open innovation is that of individuals: The stronger you become, the higher your social and professional circles and platforms, which is beneficial for your personal development.我相信大家可以见证中国在科技领域推出更大力度的对外开放政策。I believe everyone will witness China introducing more vigorous policies for opening-up in the technology sector in the future.提高基础创新能力为科研人员松绑我们旨在提高原始创新能力,鼓励研究人员在基础研究和应用创新方面进行更具前瞻性和风险性的工作。We aim to enhance original innovation capabilities and encourage researchers to undertake more forward-looking and risky work in basic and applied research.未来非共识项目的遴选问题,应该得到特别关注。另外就是营造鼓励创新、宽容失败的工作环境,对科研人员也是非常重要的。这样大家才能甘坐冷板凳,在长周期的研究中静下心来取得实质性的突破。In the future, special attention should be paid to the selection of non-consensus projects. Creating an environment that encourages innovation and tolerates failure is crucial for researchers. This allows researchers to engage in long-term studies and achieve substantial breakthroughs.营造宽容失败的环境是从事基础研究不可或缺的外部条件。A tolerant environment is an essential external condition for conducting fundamental research.图源: 视觉中国强化企业创新主体地位企业是出题人也是阅卷人从需求侧来看,我们要强化企业在科技创新中的主体地位。要充分发挥企业出题人、答题人和阅卷人的作用。From the demand side, we should strengthen the primary role of enterprises in technological innovation. Enterprises should fully act as question setters, solvers, and evaluators.企业在市场中摸爬滚打,最懂客户需求,对技术感知也最敏锐。它们对产业发展趋势把握最准确,所以必须不断强化企业在科技创新中的主体地位。Enterprises are the ones truly immersed in the market, understanding customer needs and having a keen sense of technology. They accurately grasp industry trends, so we must continually strengthen their primary role in technological innovation.由企业提出技术需求,然后在答题的过程中,联合高校、科研院所等国家研发主力军,来共同完成答题。 而 阅卷,就是“ 题答得 好不好 ”, 要看最后企业应用得顺不顺畅。They should propose technical needs and collaborate with universities and research institutes — the main forces in national R&D — to solve problems. Evaluation will show if enterprises can smoothly apply the solutions.发挥企业的作用,让市场成为配置科技创新资源的决定力量,才能提升这个科技成果的使用效率。Thus, utilizing enterprises and letting the market allocate tech innovation resources can improve the efficiency of utilizing tech outcomes.创新中心引领新质生产力发展应该建立以若干有全国影响力的科技创新中心为支撑,若干区域性创新中心为辅助的区域创新网络化布局。这应该是科技创新支撑引领新质生产力发展的着力点。We should establish a networked layout of regional innovation, supported by several nationally influential technology innovation centers and supplemented by several regional innovation centers. This should guide and support the development of new quality productive forces through tech innovation.比如三个国际科技创新中心:北京、上海、粤港澳大湾区在科技资源的富集程度、科技实力方面具有无可比拟的优势。Currently, our focus is on three international tech innovation centers: Beijing, Shanghai, and the Greater Bay Area, which have unparalleled advantages in tech resources and strength.它们应该在未来产业、战略性新兴产业方面做出更多的探索和实践,抢占这个科技的制高点,来为新质生产力的发展谋划更多的可能。They should explore more in the field of future industries and strategic emerging industries. They should seize the tech high ground to plan more possibilities for new quality productive forces.另外就是还有一些区域性的创新中心,应该更多地结合本地区的实践,来通过适用技术,或者通过已有技术的应用转化,来促进传统产业和战略性产业的转化升级。Regional innovation centers should integrate local practices, applying and transforming existing technologies to promote the upgrade of traditional and strategic industries.这样通过不同层级的科创中心的引领作用、带动作用和辐射作用,来促进整个国家以科技创新推动新质生产力发展,因地制宜发展新质生产力。By leveraging the leading, driving and radiating roles of various levels of innovation centers, the nation can promote the development of new quality productive forces through tech innovation. Tailored approaches will enhance the role of tech innovation in developing new quality productive forces.出品人:邢志刚监制:姚英 柯荣谊统筹:朱萍 何娜制片人:张霄编导:徐洁茹记者:刘建娜题图摄影:张威 郑朱翎字幕:刘建娜 Tareq Zahir运营:刘建娜鸣 谢 : 中国科学技术发展战略研究院